History Hunt

Explore the Fort and Building by finding the answers to these questions. You might be surprised by some of the info!


@ Stop 1: In today’s money, what was the cost of the Masonary Defences? 1811-1817. (Clue – it’s a lot of money!)
@ Stop 2: What was this building originally used for? What year was the bridge officially completed? How many arches are on the Bridge? (Top tip! – Go to the corner beside Stop 3)
@ Stop 3: Find the name of the island where Field Gun Battery Number 1 was located.
@Stop 4/5/6/7: What is this gate called ? What is the range of the 24 pounder guns? Give the English translation for “Caponniere”. The gap through which the main road passes was also known as _______.
@Exhibition area (Upstairs of main building): Where was the First Martello Tower Built? Mid Shannon defences run from _______ to _______ ? Who was the Leader of the United Irishmen?

Explore the fully restored building and relive the historic battles, myths
and legends of the last 200 years.

Come on In!

Open Daily

10AM - 5PM

Contact US


090 9674973


hello @ shannonbridgefort.ie


Co Roscommon,